What is a disk safe?
A Disk Safe is used to keep and arrange the pieces of replicated information. You can define a Disk Safe as a container for data needed for a restore. NOTE: You cannot start backing up a Device until there is a Disk Safe to which this Device can be backed up. To run a replication, you need to as ...
Accessing disk safes
The Disk safe list can be accessed in the Backup manager by doing the following. Firstly, sign into Backup manager. Then select "Disk Safes" from Main menu as shown above. The disk safe list appears in the upper right pane. Detail of each disk safe can be found in the Detail pane in the lower r ...
Adding a disk safe
For your server to be backed up, a Disk safe must be created first. Click "Disk Safe" in Main menu then "Create New Disk Safe" in Disk Safe menu Disk Safe Best Practice message will appear. You may uncheck the checkbox and click [OK] to close the message. Upon closing the message above, "Creat ...
Editing Disk Safe Properties
The Disk Safe screen is divided into 4 sections. To access disk safe list, click on "Disk Safes" in Main menu In Disk Safe list, look for the disk safe you want to change, and click on the "Edit" icon in the action column (last column) for the disk safe. Edit Disk Safe window will open with th ...
Deleting a disk safe
Deleting a disk safe will remove all Recovery points (versions of your backup) and stored data for all devices associated with the disk safe. In the Backup manager, select "Disk Safes" in the main menu. The list of disk safes will appear in the Disk Safe List. Click on the X icon as shown below ...